Smokin ($SMOTO) Token Project.
Smokin Token - SMOTO is a yield-generating token that runs on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

#smokintoken #binance #binancesmartchain #bscgems #cryptocurrency
SmokinToken Overview
SmokinToken’s goal is to enlighten investors with our strategy, rewards, and progressive outlook. This paper contains the redistribution and reward values for holding SmokinToken (SMOTO), Milestones of the Token and our future plans. We are excited to have an improved smart contract format that will provide BNB auto reward tokens.
Our vision is to not only have the SmokinToken but to build a cryptoverse around our community with future projects.
Reason for the Project
We decided to start SmokinToken because most of the new projects on the Binance Smart Chain are garbage. Nothing is more frustrating than investing in a project to discover it's a scam, honeypot, or rug-pull. We noticed several projects lacked a sufficient website, no communication with its investors and relied on heavy advertising to push their project. Our project has a purpose and one of the most important aspects of SmokinToken are the investors.
Our plan is to have a series of events where holders of at least 100,000 tokens can participate at no cost. When we reach 10 million market cap we will really start branching out with new event related opportunities. The goal is to have events such as 5k runs/walks, cycling races and adventure endurance races. We will rely heavily on the governance system to make sure that every investor that holds 100,000 SMOTO can vote. The governance system determines the type of events that the community wants us to host. Eventually we would like to be able to host these events in different parts of the country.
We also plan on releasing additional limited tokens in our cryptoverse. When we accomplish our Roadmap goals, we will release a 420 token. We will release the details at a later date.
SmokinToken Breakdown
SMOTO is a yield-generating token that runs on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Holders that hold a minimum of 100,000 SMOTO tokens are automatically participating in the reward with BNB. The token contract employs a fixed transaction fee system:
- 11% (in BNB) is redistributed:
- Proportionally to the amount of SMOTO Tokens the holders hold (exception Liquidity Pool which is 4.20%)
- Only holders that has a minimum of 100,000 SMOTO Tokens participate in the distribution
- 4.20% (in BNB) is used to fuel the liquidity pool
- 3% (in BNB) transaction fee for selling to the advertising wallet.
Total -15.2% for buying and 18.2% Selling Smokin Token
Anti-Dumping Limitation
- Any transaction selling more than 0.05 of the total SMOTO Token supply will be rejected. This is to maintain stability for investors and promote growth over time.
BNB Auto Redistribution
Those who hold a minimum of 100,000 tokens are participating in the 11% redistribution of a transaction in BNB Smart Chain tokens. Rewards are normally distributed every hour, but this is in the end determined by trading volume and trading timing.

Token Information
Network: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
Ticker: SMOTO
Contract address: Deploying New Contract, TBA

Token Allocation
- TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000
- TEAM: 30,000,000 (3%)
- PRESALE: 388,664,000 (38.86%)
- MARKETING WALLET: 30,000,000 (3%)
- AIRDROP: 50,000,000 (5%)
- MAX. Contribution: 4 BNB
- Liquidity Locked: 100% - Unlock Date: 4 months minimum
Starting Price for Presale and Launch
Prices based off of an assumed BNB price of 600 USD.
Presale 1
Soft cap: 50
Hard cap: 100
Price: $0.00038 per token
Tokens per BNB approx: 1,578,947
Presale 2
Pink Sale
Soft cap: 100
Hard cap: 200
Price: $0.00039 per token
Tokens per BNB approx: 1,538,462
Pancake Swap
Price: $0.0004 per token
Tokens per BNB approx: 1,500,000
Manual Token Burns
Due to the demand of our current Twitter and Telegram members we are going to implement a manual token burn. Token burns will be based off of our market cap goals that are met and the following burn schedule will be implemented. We will also do smaller random burns that will be announced during AMA sessions. Burns are designed to reduce the total supply of the Smokin Token and therefore increase the demand of the token. Token burns will be sent to a burn wallet where they will no longer be able to be recovered.
- 2 Million Market Cap 25 Million
- 4 Million Market cap 25 Million
- 10 Million Market cap 50 Million
- 15 Million Market cap 100 Million
AMA Updates
The SmokinToken team is dedicated to this project, and we will ensure you will be informed every step of the way.
We will provide regular updates on progress and answer any questions from our investors. We will host AMA’s and update our schedule via Telegram and Discord. You can also join us on Twitter Spaces to listen in and chat about current topics and the future of SmokinToken.
Security of SmokinToken
Security is important, so prior to presale and launch, we decided to have our token and smart contract audited by The reason we chose Dessert Swap finance is because it’s audit writeup is easily understandable for the average person. The audit result performed by found no medium or high-risk vulnerabilities.
There is always room to improve, so to ensure we have the highest quality code in our token we have additional audits pending and will update the white paper as the project progresses.
Contract Ownership
The SmokinToken team will maintain the ownership of the smart contract.
We understand maintaining ownership of the smart contract will require the trust of our investors. All updates will be based on the governance voting system we will provide as the project progresses. No changes to the contract will occur without notifying our voting holders.
Investors who hold a Minimum of 100
,000 SMOTO Tokens will be able to vote on changes made to the contract.
Liquidity Pool Locking
We chose DXlocker to lock our liquidity at launch and reassure investors of our long-term commitment. Liquidity will lock every 4 months to accommodate upgrades and DEFI space changes. When Pancake Swap and DX Sale complete upgrades, our quarterly locking system will prevent lost liquidity and liquidity being locked in outdated systems.
Utility and future use
As our token progresses and matures, and the market cap increases, there will be additional benefits for holding SMOTO. As our market goals are met, outlined in the roadmap, the following benefits will become available:
- NFT Market Place (Completed)
- SmokinToken Wallet App
- SmokinToken Swap (V1 Completed)
- Bridging to other Networks
- Event Sponsorship (sporting and CBD events)
- YouTube and TikTok sponsorship
- Merchandise Expansion
- Business Collaboration
- Google Play, Apple store event app
CBD and Marijuana
We firmly believe that CBD and Marijuana have real world medical benefits.
Our goal at SmokinToken is to bring awareness of the health and industrial benefits of CBD and Marijuana derived products. This token supports the legal use and consumption of CBD and Marijuana products.
If you look back 30 years ago, the legalization and medical use of marijuana was just a fantasy. That all changed in 1996 when the state of California became the first state to legalize the medical use of marijuana. We see California as a pioneer to something bigger. Then in 2012, Washington and Colorado became the first two states to legalize the use of recreational marijuana. As our society evolves and more research is being done, it has become adapted as an acceptable form of treatment for several conditions such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, cancer, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, seizures, AIDS, and more. SmokinToken was designed to be a crypto support system for community members with a vested interest in the future of marijuana health research and industry.
The benefits of Marijuana and CBD have been shown in various studies to relieve symptoms related to:
- Pain
- Nausea
- Migraines
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Seizures (CBD)
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Insomnia and sleep disorders
We do see the benefits of CBD products and in the future, we plan on inviting different vendors in the communities we visit to our community events so we can support local businesses that sell CBD and Hemp based products. We are not medical professionals and this section of benefits is for entertainment purposes only. Please contact a licensed medical professional for any medical advice.

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Forum Username: Mahmoud Dahoud
Forum Profile Link:;u=2954988
Telegram Username: @Mahmouddahoud
Participated Campaigns: Article Campaign
BEP20 Wallet Address: 0x171E02F4e715faD3C4CFa2554E338987c7BC42D1
#smokintoken #binance #binancesmartchain #bscgems #cryptocurrency
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